Hello World!

 Thank you so much for stopping by to my blog!
 I hope that as you read a little of my journey as a home school mum you will leave refreshed, encouraged and inspired to know that you are not alone in the journey of home schooling! Please feel free to contact me through the comment section and I am always keen to connect with other home school mums!

Let me tell you a little about me and my tribe of ever growing, eating, jumping, squealing, running, fighting, laughing, climbing and cheeky boys! My name is Martine and I hail from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia!

I have been blessed with a wonderful husband Dan (who was home schooled himself for part of his childhood) and four sons. Noah is ten, Byron is six, Jack is four and Archie is one year. 

We started as a family on this home school journey when Noah (our eldest) was starting his formal education. For many reasons, home schooling was the best choice for our family and through the ups and downs of life and home schooling I am glad that we are still on this journey. 

Life can get quite hectic at times and many times I have considered, reconsidered, googled every possible school in the vicinity of our home and asked myself.....
"Am I doing the right thing? Is home schooling the best choice for our family?"

And each time....I land right back where I started. Home schooling while it has its many challenges...it has so many benefits, joys and freedom that I plan to chronicle on this blog.

For me, reminding myself regularly of the "Why?" I know will encourage my heart and hopefully encourage others along the way too.

So....how about you?
Why did you start this journey? 

When I started I was pregnant with my third son Jack and had a twelve month old baby and Noah. We had recently moved houses to another part of Brisbane to be closer to a church that my husband Dan and I were involved in leading. I knew one home school mum who lived a good fifty minute drive from my house and I had no idea how to connect with other home schooling families in my area. Somehow, I found myself on various forums on the internet and I put a cry for help out there into cyber space to meet other mums! Three wonderful ladies (who were busy with their large families!) contacted me and I no longer felt alone.
Things can get pretty hectic in a "normal" day with four young men in the house and for me getting out and about helps us to break up the day and get some fresh air! 
Noah and Byron looking very studious!
A little bit of nature journal time!

Climbing the trees in our street!
Playing with baby Archie!
Park time!
Bin time!
Art Galley time!

Beach time!

Parent - teacher conference :) aka date night!
Building time!
I'm looking forward to recording our home school journey in this little space....a place to look back on all the beautiful rewards and benefits of our home school life! 
